First Modules
In this section, we will create modules for some programs. To start, create the programs
and services
subdirectories in the modules
Creating your own modules is almost the same as creating regular NixOS modules, so you can look for NixOS options here.
Let's assume you already have a constants module. Create a file modules/programs/git.nix
with the following content:
{delib, ...}:
delib.module {
name = "programs.git";
options = with delib; {
enable = boolOption true;
enableLFS = boolOption true;
home.ifEnabled.programs.git = {myconfig, cfg, ...}: {
enable = cfg.enable;
lfs.enable = cfg.enableLFS;
userName = myconfig.constants.username;
userEmail = myconfig.constants.useremail;
Code Explanation:
- an option to enable or disable the module entirely.enableLFS
- an option to enable Git Large File Storage.
Assume that your host has the options type
and isDesktop
. Create a subdirectory hyprland
in the modules/programs/
directory, and in it, create a file default.nix
with the following content:
{delib, ...}:
delib.module {
name = "programs.hyprland";
options = {myconfig, ...} @ args: delib.singleEnableOption args;
nixos.ifEnabled.programs.hyprland.enable = true;
home.ifEnabled.wayland.windowManager.hyprland.enable = true;
Also, create a file settings.nix
in this directory:
{delib, ...}:
delib.module {
name = "programs.hyprland";
home.ifEnabled.wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
"$mod" = "SUPER";
general = {
gaps_in = 5;
gaps_out = 10;
And finally, the file binds.nix
{delib, ...}:
delib.module {
name = "programs.hyprland";
home.ifEnabled.wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
bindm = [
"$mod, mouse:272, movewindow"
"$mod, mouse:273, resizewindow"
bind = [
"$mod, q, killactive,"
"CTRLALT, Delete, exit,"
"$mod, Return, exec, kitty" # your terminal
We have created a small configuration for Hyprland, which you can expand and add new options to as needed.